Saturday, January 23, 2016

"10 Ways to Clean With Lemon"

I am truly embarrassed to show off these photos.  Sadly this is the shower door in our master bathroom. I promise I am not a dirty person. I obsessively clean every other inch of my house but for some reason I HATE cleaning the shower.

This isn't all my filth though, I blame my husband and the previous homeowners. Really now I am just making excuses! My husband and I are throwing around the idea of relocating so I am trying to fine tune our house, including this nasty, disgusting shower door. Naturally I went to Pinterest to look for an easy cleaning solution.

One of the first pins I found was "10 Ways to Clean with Lemon." Seems easy enough right? Well it was! I picked up a big bottle of lemon juice - yes normal lemon juice from the grocery store. I took the bottle straight from the store to the bathroom. Put some lemon juice on a rag. And ran the rag over the bottom of the shower door. It worked like a charm! For this large project I ended up just pouring lemon juice into the base of the shower door, let it sit for a minute or two and then scrubbed the stainless steal spotless. I was really impressed how fast and how clean a little lemon juice got this disgusting door. That and I left my bathroom after cleaning not high on bleach fumes!

The only downside of cleaning with straight lemon juice? Our dog had a field day licking the shower! But if that is the only downside I am sure to use this Pin again and again. Good luck tackling your cleaning projects, this tip is a keeper!

 Original post found at

1 comment:

  1. What a natural, kid/dog friendly cleaning tip! I bet it smelled way better than lemon pledge too!
